Get Agile

Get Agile

My wife Anna loves book club. She comes home from their dinners with a new thought-provoking discussion sparked by the book, regardless of whether she liked it, read it or hated it. Their latest was Lessons in Chemistry, which also recently began as a series on Apple...
Building Deep Client Trust

Building Deep Client Trust

How do advisory firms methodically create and manage deep client trust? While protecting profitability and reducing dependency, building advice platforms and skills for advice teams to build deep trust in their client relationships is the third of six principles...
Reducing Dependency – Building Great Advice Firms

Reducing Dependency – Building Great Advice Firms

I know the problem with my golf game. The guy holding the club. My instincts want to hit the ball too hard because my ridiculous golf brain believes ‘bigger is better’. On the odd occasion when my instincts produce a great shot, it’s usually a fluke....
How to Grow Profits

How to Grow Profits

I can still see the surprised looks on their faces. It was November 1989, during a three-day “Agent As A BusinessPerson” workshop MLC asked me to design and facilitate. One of the last sessions for the twenty-five accountants and financial planners had...
Fighting Helplessness

Fighting Helplessness

Heard of Learned Helplessness? It is a condition first researched in the 1960s by a team of psychologists that included Professor Martin Seligman. A group of dogs were given mild electric shocks. Some dogs could press a button to stop the shocks, while a second group...
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