A 24-year-old adviser in one of our Certainty Advice firms, engaged a $12,000 new advice client last week. The striking aspect of this engagement was that the 24-year-old adviser is still in her professional year. Technically unqualified? Yes. Compliant? Yes....
I have a weird memory. Particularly for far too many old TV ads. Joe the Gadget man. You need Palmolive Gold. Mrs Marsh’s Chalk. Louie the Fly. It gets weirder. Sometimes, my brain replays, re-visualising an old commercial during random conversations. This happened...
Simon Senek’s book “Start With Why” is a phenomenon. Published in 2011, the book extolled that people don’t buy what you do. They buy why you do it. Sinek’s theory suggested that of the two methods of influencing behaviour, manipulation...
4:52 pm March 23rd, 1995, will be special until my last breath. I had never been so elated before this moment. It was the birth of our first baby – Bec. At least half an hour later, as emotions settled, I wondered what had happened to our obstetrician. Nice guy,...
I’ve run three marathons and a dozen half-marathons. I take my running gear whenever I’m travelling overnight. I love what running does for me. That’s thanks to Pete Talty. Regardless of the conditions, Pete was always there. 6am every Saturday, waiting at the bottom...
My wife Anna loves book club. She comes home from their dinners with a new thought-provoking discussion sparked by the book, regardless of whether she liked it, read it or hated it. Their latest was Lessons in Chemistry, which also recently began as a series on Apple...