Start with Why, Pay for What?

Start with Why, Pay for What?

Simon Senek’s book “Start With Why” is a phenomenon. Published in 2011, the book extolled that people don’t buy what you do. They buy why you do it. Sinek’s theory suggested that of the two methods of influencing behaviour, manipulation...
Financial adviser, imposter or both?

Financial adviser, imposter or both?

Both my parents smoked. Like chimneys. As kids, we’d munch down our morning cornflakes surrounded by last night’s dirty ashtrays. The perfect Christmas present for Dad was a sparkling new ashtray. Little did we know the dangers of smoking. Kind of...


Listened to any of Pushkin’s podcasts? They pump out some great ones. A favourite is “The Happiness Lab”, which lives up to a promise showing how our brains are not always our best guides for our well-being or progress. Another one – “Against the Rules” – is just as...
Thanks, but no thanks…

Thanks, but no thanks…

Jenna is an adviser in her early thirties. Her technical background is accounting, her personal background is caring She made contact when a good advisory client did not re-engage after only twelve months of working together. While she didn’t expect every client...
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