AI Advice – The Consequences.

AI Advice – The Consequences.

$88 Advice? Welcome to the future. Financial providers are releasing new advice offerings in response to the first tranche of the Delivering Better Financial Outcomes legislation. An annual $88 will give Colonial First State (sorry, firewalled) superannuation members...
Advice is Not About Goals

Advice is Not About Goals

  Every August, I spend an evening at my old school answering questions from Year 11 students as they share their post-school career options. My sessions are generally Q&A events for kids interested in small businesses. Last week’s questions ranged from what...
The problem with super is super

The problem with super is super

The problem with super is super. Since the 2002 Financial Services Review, there have been at least a dozen enquiries, commissions and reviews into Australia’s superannuation, insurance, investment, and financial services industries. Last week APRA and ASIC jointly...


Do you ask your doctor what her fees will be next year? No, neither do I. Why do clients ask what the future ongoing fees will be for their financial advisers? Because, unlike doctors, they pay ongoing rent to their advisers. Is that typical of professionals?...
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