My son is addicted to art. Big time. Turn your back on him and he’s sketching something, leaving trails of charcoal fingerprints in unlikely places, getting lost in his own space. Even since he was five, his art has been his bliss (and frustration). Is his work...
My eldest daughter loved her first job. It was in our local video store during her last years at high school. Way back, she was always the one we had to drag out of the place by the collar of her Wiggles dressing gown every family video night. Her joy working there...
Ready? Are we ever ready for new things? In retrospect, don’t all of our attempts at new things suck initially? Were you ready for your first child? Were you ready for your first ever client? Were you ready for your first ever employee? Were you ready for the...
Do you know your numbers? I’m amazed how well advisers know the “numbers” (i.e. portfolio balances, sums insured, cash flow balances) in the lives of their clients yet pay a fraction of attention to the “numbers” in their own business lives. I’ve long been a fan of...
The proposition of first choice for financial advisers must surely be uncertainty itself. We’re at a tipping point on so many fronts that the only certainty for the financial lives of our clients seems to be continued uncertainty in their financial lives. On one front...
In Reflections on Advice – Part 1, we examined where the financial marketplace is heading following the latest release of details surrounding the proposed Future of Financial Advice (FOFA) legislation. We’ll now look at the other two issues we said every Australian...