Every August, I spend an evening at my old school answering questions from Year 11 students as they share their post-school career options. My sessions are generally Q&A events for kids interested in small businesses. Last week’s questions ranged from what...
The problem with super is super. Since the 2002 Financial Services Review, there have been at least a dozen enquiries, commissions and reviews into Australia’s superannuation, insurance, investment, and financial services industries. Last week APRA and ASIC jointly...
Amazon Advice is coming to a screen near you. It is already happening. Wesfarmers recently bought a large telehealth business – Instantscripts – for $135m. This purchase was in addition to the company’s $1B acquisition of the Priceline Pharmacy chain...
I love trekking. I used to regard anyone walking with poles as a tad too keen. Now I’m one of those pole people. It is not just the poles. I’m discovering all sorts of great, weird stuff. For instance, I don’t know what it is, but I find the combination of conversing...
Heard about Grameen Bank – the bank for the poor? It presents a powerful working model of trickle-up development. Founded in the mid-1970s by Muhammad Yunus in a country lacking first and second-world finance infrastructures, it has sprouted up in over 80,000...
I love the bush. I reckon it has something to do with my four grandparents being raised in NSW’s central west. It never ceases to amaze me how much I enjoy touring on unmarked open country roads with windows down and the elements whooshing in. Even when...