$88 Advice? Welcome to the future. Financial providers are releasing new advice offerings in response to the first tranche of the Delivering Better Financial Outcomes legislation. An annual $88 will give Colonial First State (sorry, firewalled) superannuation members...
Simon Senek’s book “Start With Why” is a phenomenon. Published in 2011, the book extolled that people don’t buy what you do. They buy why you do it. Sinek’s theory suggested that of the two methods of influencing behaviour, manipulation...
Molly recently cared for a client facing an unexpected life-changing decision to move directly from a hospital stay into a nursing home. Going home was not an option. It was a challenging situation at the best of times, but in this case, it became heart-rending when...
I spent many Saturday mornings at Harry’s Hardware on Whistler Street in downtown Manly after Anna and I bought our “renovator’s delight” on Manly flat. Harry had an old-style cluttered store when hardware stores used to be as common as...
Both my parents smoked. Like chimneys. As kids, we’d munch down our morning cornflakes surrounded by last night’s dirty ashtrays. The perfect Christmas present for Dad was a sparkling new ashtray. Little did we know the dangers of smoking. Kind of...
Every August, I spend an evening at my old school answering questions from Year 11 students as they share their post-school career options. My sessions are generally Q&A events for kids interested in small businesses. Last week’s questions ranged from what...