I’m a COBOL programmer. We moved out of our family home of 32 years last weekend, and I found an old coding template with a few punch cards that I have kept since the late 1970s. I didn’t think I was a hoarder (maybe?). It took me back to when the talent...
The problem with systems…

The problem with systems…

Michael Gerber was right. Systems can improve every aspect of our work lives by providing the necessary frameworks to help busy technicians create solid businesses. Gerber’s book – “The E-Myth Revisited”- created a new language for small...
Showing Up – The #1 Advice Productivity Measure

Showing Up – The #1 Advice Productivity Measure

An advisory team’s best days are usually those spent in front of their clients. As most people join the advice industry to help others lead better financial lives, the time spent in client discussions, resolving issues, identifying forward steps, and creating...
Bankers becoming Advisers

Bankers becoming Advisers

For different reasons, all our kids left home once they finished school. The eldest, the family’s best writer, went west to Bathurst to study marketing. The determined actress left Australia to chase opportunities in Vancouver’s film industry. The quiet achiever and...
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