A 24-year-old adviser in one of our Certainty Advice firms, engaged a $12,000 new advice client last week. The striking aspect of this engagement was that the 24-year-old adviser is still in her professional year. Technically unqualified? Yes. Compliant? Yes....
With apologies to my first favourite author – Dr Seuss. No is no foe to grow. For grow without no is the toughest of grows. In his book “The Cat In The Hat Comes Back”, Cats A through Y unleashed incremental mayhem until the tiniest Cat Z makes...
I was consulting with a firm recently. They sought advice concerning their massive growth opportunities. Like most advisory firms today, they were enjoying a solid flow of new clients. Thanks to good networks, they were also attracting talented senior advisers...
If you took some time to consider what are the “first things” in your business life, what would be your response? Think about it for a second. I remember attending a lecture by Roger Merrill soon after I started my business in early 1990’s. Merrill...
My first paid job was repairing lawnmowers. It was an early lesson about value. I was 10. I loved engines and all things mechanical. Their smell, noise, shiny insides and, to me, their simplicity. Once my Dad told a neighbour that I had somehow repaired our broken...