$88 Advice? Welcome to the future. Financial providers are releasing new advice offerings in response to the first tranche of the Delivering Better Financial Outcomes legislation. An annual $88 will give Colonial First State (sorry, firewalled) superannuation members...
I have a weird memory. Particularly for far too many old TV ads. Joe the Gadget man. You need Palmolive Gold. Mrs Marsh’s Chalk. Louie the Fly. It gets weirder. Sometimes, my brain replays, re-visualising an old commercial during random conversations. This happened...
Simon Senek’s book “Start With Why” is a phenomenon. Published in 2011, the book extolled that people don’t buy what you do. They buy why you do it. Sinek’s theory suggested that of the two methods of influencing behaviour, manipulation...
What do advisers do? Maximise returns, protect risks, anticipate complexities, minimise costs, reduce stress, remove distractions, test assumptions, and change client’s long-term habits. Advisers are in the confidence business. They convert a client’s doubts into...
Laurie wants to stop and retire. Originally from New Zealand, he built a landscaping business from nothing in 1986 to the best on the north coast. He reckons he is working harder than ever. Finding and keeping staff is getting harder. Dealing with their attitudes is...
Both my parents smoked. Like chimneys. As kids, we’d munch down our morning cornflakes surrounded by last night’s dirty ashtrays. The perfect Christmas present for Dad was a sparkling new ashtray. Little did we know the dangers of smoking. Kind of...