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Certainty Precedents
Proven certainty advice frameworks to build your own enagement precedents
Each of the Pricing Precedents listed here are proven templates for Certainty Advice teams to build their own suite of pricing precedents for the unique advice niches they advise. These precedents serve as the ‘base’ pricing templates when teams are determining their own pricing for each client.
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New Pricing Precedents - The Cash Strapped SME
Day-to-day life in SMEs is full of complexities, distractions, clients, team members, bushfires, and lots of work. Advising them can be constant and tough. This session provides an approach, and sample engagement documents for engaging cash-strapped SME clients and the role they most need from their advisory teams.
Minimum Pricing Precedents
Maintaining minimums precedents for new and on-going comprehensive advice is crucial for firms seeking to manage and grow their productivity. This precedents session includes two precedents for the same client - an initial engagement precedent for a minimum comprehensive client and also their second year 'on-going' engagement precedent for their second year (and potentially continual engagement until they encounter more complexity). Also included in this precedent handouts is the Certainty Advice Capacity Planning spreadsheets as for most firms capacity defines minimums before costs.
The Quote-to-Quote Precedent - When there are no precedents
How do you price based upon value when a clients presents an situation so unique, you have no past precedents to price your advice? This What Price Value session presents a precedent for when you have no precedents. Not being fans of time and materials or 'guessing' a price just to start, we are fans of being methodical, accountable and specific to understand value being sought as well as the complexity being faced - this is the precedent (and clip) to help with these cases which will occur as your firm grows.
Pricing Engagements with 35-45 Year Old Advice Niches
Key to engaging, managing and advising the 35-45 Year Old Advice Niche is understanding their unique complexities. This group is often quite aspirational, but are equally quite complex due to their paradigms about how their financial lives can be best managed. This session shares the insights and successful engagement documents for this niche with strong focus on their complexities - both covert and overt.
Complex Family Business Succession Precedents
Complex Family Business Succession Precedents demand consistency. Consistency of value identification, and consistency of scope control. Like all Certainty engagements, these engagements are driven by the progress and complexities of the client. Extra care needs to be applied with complex families to manage scope. This may require dividing engagements into valued sections - each confirmed, committed to and priced.
Sophisticated Clients Precedents
Sophisticated Clients are clients that believe they have the connections, experience, money, or background to know more than non-sophisticated clients when it comes to advice. Regardless of wealth, background, experience, these clients are more complex. Their engagements are slightly different in approach with particular attention needing to be focused on their other advisers, the importance of their life on one page and particularly their life or business partners who are often the opposite in nature and approach to their sophisticated partners.
Certainty Pricing Precedents for Existing Pre-Retirees
This session introduces working precedents for existing pre-retiree clients. Discussions include Certainty's updated approach to focus on VALUE - the outputs of advice - on all re-engagement documentation rather than traditional re-engagements which focus heavily on WHAT advisers have done - the inputs. Discussions also include how to 'adapt' documentation live during meetings to reduce paperwork and follow-up without reducing value.
Complex Pre-Retiree Precedents
Pre-retirees during Covid-19 are presenting with additional complexities. Families have been thrown into disorder, careers have become disjointed, health care has become more important. Complexities, value sought and advisory fees are rising as a consequence. This session discusses and shares proven engagement documents, pricing and approaches for this niche of clients in these unique times.
Single Parent Wage Earners
Single Parent Wage Earners have financial lives full of complexities. Overwhelmingly dominated by females, this niche benefits significantly from relationships with Certainty Advisers helping them focus and thrive in their financial lives. Their greatest focus is often their children and their greatest challenge is isolation, time and energy.
Complex Families Precedents
Complex Families are a classic advice niche requiring the 'Plato Approach' - the cure of a part should not be attempted without the treatment of the whole. Due history of multiple structures, relationships, partnerships, advisers many with disparate interests and expectations, complex families present opportunities and challenges for Certainty Advice. This session highlights how the Certainty approach, tools and engagement documents that have been successfully used to engage these clients to ensure they progress on their unique and common paths towards the many different versions of what is of value to each party involved.
Single Wealth Accumulator Precedents
Engaging Single Wealth Accumulators comes with their own unique suite of complexities. This session provides the priced Certainty Advice frameworks for you to build upon when your firm is engaging clients from this advice niche rich in complexities and renowned for taking the advice of experts.
"Aspiration-Less" Retiree
Traditional Financial Advice is full of Retirees. Many of them may present themselves during Certainty Advice Discovery conversations as being 'OK' and 'Have no specific goals'. These precedents and training session addresses how to best use the Certainty Advice approach when it may appear that clients may have limited if any aspirations requiring money, or advice, or planning.
Busy Professionals Precedents
The pricing and engagement precedents from this session for Busy Professionals, will accelerate your firm's growth and success in this niche rich with complexities. These precedents highlight the pricing, the complexities, the objectives and how these are then presented back to clients for engagement. They are core to fast-tracking your role as a valuable linchpin in the lives of these clients.
Divorcee Precedents
Divorcees have obvious complexities. But the reasons and the value being sought are not as obvious. This set of proven precedents for engaging a Divorce client with dependent children address the deeper complexities and value Certainty Client in this niche often seek. Though challenging, this niche can be very rewarding as the meaning of the advice provided is usually very clear.
Millennial Precedents
Millennials are often a client segment ignored by traditional planners as there is little 'money'. But no so for Certainty Advisers as like all clients it's not about the money, it's about understanding what is of value to clients facing inevitable complexities and aspiring to unique objectives, both of which Millennials have - complexities and aspirations. This simple set of proven Certainty Advice precedents represents how firms are engaging Millennials at the very initial, and simple, stages in the lives of a single Millennial.
Young Entrepreneurial SME Precedents
This session presents a set of engagement precedents for founders of young ambitious SMEs. These precedent cover the common issues needing advice, planning and money to manage: Expansion and growth of a SME, debt, cashflow, risk. working capital management, ensuring collaborative and more formalised planning processes for personal and business plans, coping with 'busy activity-based cultures' where structures are required but can't stifle ambitions and opportunities.
Retiring SME Founder Precedents
This session presents a set of engagement precedents when founders of SMEs are seeking exit options. These precedent documents provide templates for many issues surrounding retiring SME Founders including: business valuations, succession planning, engaging brokers, understand personal objectives, balancing unique complexities regarding business transition amidst significant changes in personal financial lives and working paradigms while appreciating years of strong self-employed work habits.
Wealth Accumulators Precedents
This session overviews a set of engagement precedents for 'common' wealth accumulators. These precedents provide templates for common issues for wealth accumulators including: challenges with setting to budgets (i.e. overspending), life being to busy to 'plan', challenges with children, ensuring estate planning is solid, controlling debt and consider long term retirement planning.
SME Precedent - Succession/Retirement of Founder
This session presents a success set of engagement precedents for a common small business succession/retirement. There are business planning elements, business valuations, as well as the common taxation, cashflow, personal risk and succession support. Complexities are significant as founders approach difficult 'letting go' stage as many years of habits need support and solid planning.
"Simple" Pre-Retiree Precedents
This session presents a video and successful Terms of Engagement precedents for a 'common' pre-retiree couple. Retirement planning is a priority for one member of the couple while the other only plans to 'wind down' a bit from her work. They also wish to continue holiday planning, there's some family weddings coming up and property renovations in response to changing household structure. A number of consistent complexities are present, common for a couple at this stage of life.