Does stagnation in financial markets mean stagnation for your advice firm?
Not for Keiren Murphy and Lance Cheung and their gleaming new advice firm – Parinity – which they have recently established in an renovated old-Queenslander office in the Brisbane suburb of Ascot.
Keiren and Lance are predicting a bright future and the amount of new business they are picking up is testament to their belief. So far in their first year they are 50% ahead of what they thought were optimistic revenue targets.
What’s their success due to? They reckon it’s their proposition.
They offer their new clients an advice partnership. Clients pay variable retainers based upon the amount of financial complexity needing resolution or management. They provide the objective insights and directions lacking from their clients lives and frame all their advice in the language of their client’s desired outcomes.
Parinity is an emerging ‘tiny giant’ in the Australian advice market – small in size but giant in reputation from it’s growing and referring client base.
Here’s a sample of the type of an Engagement letter that Parinity’s clients are signing.
We’ve an up-coming Cultivating Advice Workshop on November 11 that might push your own ‘tiny giant’ quicker to the prosperity you deserve. Don’t die wondering – these really are the best of times to be building great advice firms like Parinity.
What do you think?