37 min | CAR142
This is the first in our new Roundtable Forum series. The objectives of the Roundtable Forums is to facilitate discussions on a specific 'big picture' topic for everyone that attends live. Our first topic for the Forum is "Who is...
13 min | GS_L02
An introduction to Certainty Advice, our tools, frameworks, clients, community, pricing methodology and the available support.
3 min | GS_L02a
An deep dive into the Certainty Map - the most valuable framework of Certainty Advice as it captures what is of value to every client
7 min | GS_L13
Set your goals, make your plan. make this approach your own and set a consistent specific and methodical process for your firm.
4 min | GS_L12
Set your goals, make your plan. make this approach your own and set a consistent specific and methodical process for your firm.