Certainty Adviser Annette Pulbrook raised a great and common issue – who integrates an external paraplanning service with their Certainty Advice approach? Sam from Bravium came back quick with their preferred firms – Fresh Plans and Contract PPS – it’s a common question and will become more relevant as more and more third-party groups set up to serve Certainty Firms – there are considerations of software, experience, specialities – this is a hot topic and one I’m discussing this coming Monday 19th April Roundtable…
Going to Canberra & meeting politicians…
Interested in your feedback, suggestions, experiences or thoughts regarding my up-coming meeting with some politicians. After good meeting late last week meeting Senator Jane Hume who stated the Certainty Advice message of more support and initiatives to support the spread of valuable advice must proceed the current dogma pushing the cheaper advice debate ‘had merit’, I am expecting to to meet with four Liberal Senators mid-May in Canberra. Your thoughts, input very welcome to make my brief meetings as pointed and lastly as possible – over to you…
A Current Affair?
Certainty Advice had two recent opportunities to comment and offer A Current Affairs viewers an alternative opinion. With average audiences of over 800,000 I am amazed how many have commented on our few seconds of comments – check out my brief time here and the Certainty Adviser Neil Watson’s comments here – inch by inch we are telling more Australians about the difference valuable advice can make.
Finology Summit – May 2021
Speaking to Graham Rich of Portfolio Constructions and we both wondered on interest from Certainty Advisers about this Finology Summit event scheduled for 19th May – keen to hear if there is interest for us to possible host a few that are interested – let me know?