What We Do...
Everything we do starts with what our Certainty Client's value - we then align our advice with their unique best interests and their best future path.
Every Certainty Framework starts with the same intent – to deliver the value our clients seek.
Google has their ‘secret’ search algorithms, Coca-cola has their ‘secret’ drink formulas and Certainty Advice has it’s own certified approach to consistently, specifically and methodically understand the value our clients seek. We do this every year to ensure we don’t go off track.
Check out the Certainty Frameworks below ..
Certainty Frameworks
Nothing builds better frameworks than experience.
Certainty Maps capture why our clients need, take, value and pay for advice. Designed for face-to-face meetings, or online use, these frameworks capture the unique value clients seek.
Mastery of these continually developing frameworks is based upon listening, probing, facilitating skills combined with knowledge of the seven conversational elements – Introductions, Fundamentals, Signatures, Complexities, Significances, Transitions, Aspirations.
Three-four page annual terms of engagement framework highlighting; the value Certainty clients seek; the advisory priorities; the fees in dollar amounts; and the payment terms for the coming twelve months.
Contains no product or product-related recommendations – aims to confirm the client’s scope and intent.
- Practical
- Personalised
- Product-related
The cure of a part should not be attempted without the treatment of the whole – Plato
Certainty’s Advice Maps capture Certainty Client’s financial lives on a single page. These Maps become the central management tool between Certainty Clients and their advisory teams.
At any time they show; WHY the advice relationship exists; WHAT the advice relationship is focusing upon; HOW the advisory team is progressing; and WHICH unique issues need attention.
“What are you going to do?”
Certainty Advice Paths show the unique forward financial path to maximise the probability of Certainty Clients achieving more, managing life’s transitions, whilst addressing the unique complexities of their financial lives.
These Paths are timeframes. The timefames of support, of achievement, of expertise, of significance. Showing up to seven years forward with focus on coming 12-24 months. For existing clients, these frameworks show the significant progress.
Other Certainty Frameworks