The (Challenging & Prosperous) Road Ahead

The (Challenging & Prosperous) Road Ahead

Twenty-one years ago, I conducted a qualitative survey of Australian financial advisers with John J. Bowen Jr and Russ Alan Prince. The objective was to identify the client proposition advisers regarded as crucial to the future of financial advice. Russ’ team had...
Why Buy a Client Base or an Advisory Firm?

Why Buy a Client Base or an Advisory Firm?

I’m currently working with several firms considering a client base or business purchase. Each has different reasons. One wants to achieve more significant ‘economies of scale’. One wants to fill a gap in the range of expertise. One is on an...
The Four Advice Hurdles of 2023…

The Four Advice Hurdles of 2023…

Advisers thrive because they anticipate, worry, prepare and manage complex client issues. Good advisers are masters at it. Great advisers are masters at doing the same for themselves. There are several hurdles facing advisory firms in 2023 – for advisory teams...
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