Ever over-eaten? To almost being sick? My mother, Meg, had no sympathy for such a thing. Like sunburn and talking too much, she reckoned you only had yourself to blame. That’s the tricky bit. Realising you are the problem. Similar to the feeling of over-filling an...
Is now the time to join the crowd shifting to industry funds? It depends on the value being sought. Value means different things to different people. Whether buying your morning coffee or another pigeon to your flock, we all value things differently. In many ways, the...
There’s good success and bad success but all success comes with strings attached. For financial advisers, the biggest challenge with success is increased activity. Not only does success draw in new clients but existing client work typically also increases. The result...
Price is your best time management tool. I’ve seen lots of advisers waste lots of precious time experimenting with workflow management software systems, diary management tools, ideal week templates, and job descriptions in their mis-guided quest to increase their...
Troy MacMillian in Perth runs one of the advice firms of the future. His firm, The Wealth Designers, is finding it hard to manage the overwhelming demand for their advice services. They are now using minimum pricing as a tough, but effective means of handling the...
Most firms that engage our consulting services want three outcomes: to build a business that is independent of any one person’s personal efforts in the areas of sales, administration, advice or management; to grow a community of ideal clients who value their services...